Wealth and Abundance

Neither worthiness, effort, skill, intelligence, talent, timing, connections, looks, popularity, blood, sweat, or tears will make the difference, Amy.

More than anything else, living in wealth and abundance is simply a matter of knowing that you already do.

   The Universe

A big reason we are gathered here is to speak to the idea that sometimes the universe delivers just what you need. I’ve been thinking about that so much since this journey began six or so months ago. I’ve seen it happen again and again for me: what I need appears just as I need it (sometimes at the very last second or in a different form), and yet, there it always is. 

The first big sponsorship. A centering point for the schedule. Someone to design the RV. A nugget that turns into a tagline.

A driving companion. 

This past week, in fact, I was sent the very thing that I have been needing most for this endeavor to succeed: a wing-woman. As you know, I’ve been searching for someone willing to drive the bus and really to bring a layer of consistency to this tour—and my days—so we could succeed without losing sanity. A real partner who believed in the mission, was willing to dive in and do it all, from drive the bus to make napkins with logos to navigate NYC without parkways. I was waiting, and waiting, and searching and searching, and putting the call out to what seemed like a great void.

And then, out of the blue, the one woman I’d always thought could be brilliant working alongside me called. She said her career had shifted. She said she was considering whether this tour might be something of value for her. She said she wanted in and was suddenly, one month before we go, available. 

There Julia was. 

A monumental nudge from the universe that I believe in my soul with benefit us both in ways beyond imagining right now. It will bring us - and what’s more, all the women and mothers we seek to serve - so much richness. 

Now that I’m sitting here, starting to piece together all these little deliveries and guideposts, it seems so fitting. So on the nose. 

It’s abundance. 

That’s what the universe keeps bringing to me, and to us all if we are willing. It’s more than just a person or a message, it’s a perspective that we have what we need and we will continue to find that ample supply if we just tune in and appreciate it. 

More than anything else, living in wealth and abundance is simply a matter of knowing that you already do.

Maybe the universe doesn’t send us things but rather turns our attention towards them. Maybe it allows us to see them or clears away other things so we can focus on them. Maybe it simply enable us to see opportunities in a different light. 

When I last saw Julia, she gave me a bottle holding the last drops of her abundance essential oil as a gift. She saw reason to believe they were meant to be with me, and months later, here she is, the real gift of abundance.

This experience, especially this past week as we navigate unexpected RV issues and stressful costs and the slipping away of time, has been so trying that I sometimes feel as if there is a heavy cloak descending over me, wanting to consume me if I don’t move fast enough to find answers and achieve success. I feel it waiting to suffocate.

I have a hunch I’m not alone, that under this cloak of fear is a common place for entrepreneurs to live. 

We are often made to feel that wealth and abundance will be a state to arrive at, once we make the right moves, figure out the monetization plan, grow something of value and get to millions of users. It seems only then, as the investors and the press and the potential partners tell us, that we might be able to throw up our arms and cast the cloak away. 

What I’m learning, however, is that maybe the wealth and abundance don’t live where you reach toward but rather in what you can reach around. The true riches are in the circle of things you already have that you can grab hold of, the things that will stay close by even if the cloak keeps closing in.

The things you’ve already built. The users you’ve already served. The creativity you’ve put out into the world. The people you’ve cultivated around you who show up to cheer no matter what. These are the real things of wealth.  

How much better it feels to focus on the ridiculous amount of abundance there is in my life rather than all the absences. How smart to try and keep that focus, above all. 

The universe, apparently, agrees. The email at the top of this post arrived from TUT in my inbox yesterday. And this morning, when I asked if I was on the right path, the Oracle card I pulled was Milk and Honey:

You’ve entered a sweet time in your life, enjoying a ‘land of milk and honey’ that everyone wants to experience. It feels more languid than ambitious, when all your senses are awake to the unlimited possibilities of the universe…Abundance is a living energy that you are a part of. All your needs are being met. You are given the gift of nourishment in every form.

Today I’m so grateful for that nourishment and determined to soak in all the abundance so I can continue moving forward to nourish others. 

Now tell me, what abundance has the universe unearthed for you?

Abundance living energy